Our Story

Guido's debut

Our story dates back to the '70s when Guido Belli began his adventure in the textile world.
The 30-year-old Guido chooses to become an International Export Manager of an Italian company producing bed linen.
In a short time, motivated by a strong passion for his work, he succeeds in deepening the art of the trade. He puts himself in contact with important representatives in the sector, with whom he establishes relationships of mutual esteem in various countries of the world.

Entry on the market

1991 is a turning point year. Sure of his background and his skills, Guido decides to embark on his solo path. This is how Lara was born. An Italian artisan workshop, where high-end sheets are created. Lara bed linen enters the most important stores all over the world with a distinct Italian typicality. The sheets are made in Italy, with Italian fabrics, as tradition dictates.

Overcoming the years of crisis with enthusiasm

In 2009 the economic crisis is felt all over the world. Even Guido faces difficult moments, but with an added drive. He decides to have his 30-year-old son, Andrea Belli, take over the direction of Lara. From a very young age like his father, Andrea revitalizes the company with a fresh and dynamic entrepreneurial vision, always based on quality and craftsmanship.

The new Lara

With great passion and stubbornness, Andrea faces the complex business situation. He analyzes the market well and decides to introduce a new organizational and commercial approach to expand the market aimed not only at stores but also at designers, private labels, hotels, and spas. He enhances flexibility by expanding the choice of fabrics, combinations, and finishes. We can realize any creative idea.
Lara, however, always remains what it is: an Italian luxury craft shop.

Made in Italy

Custodians and popularizers of the craft tradition

Custodians and popularizers of the craft traditionThe Italian manufacturing sector is the most famous in the world with a millennial textile tradition. It is not by chance that a place overflowing with art, culture, and science, will inevitably echo also in contemporary Italian production. A place where quality and creativity are strong connotative elements. Lara incorporates the very idea of ​​Italy. We are modern custodians and propagators of the high levels of quality and refined aesthetic sense, typical of the artisans of yesteryear. "The beautiful and the well made" is our strong point.Every day we reinforce this with the utmost professionalism.

Made in Italy exclusivity

Andrea Belli has been at the helm of Lara for 10 years. Over time he has developed a workshop of Italian luxury, rare in its kind. Lara exports a story of exclusive craftsmanship all over the world. Our collections would not be such if it were not for our Made in Italy roots. Thanks to the skills and techniques handed down from generations, we give a strong personality to our handmade creations. Fabrics take the shape of projects, adapting to customer choices. This is why customers choose us.

Spirit of Italy

In Italy, one immediately notices the differences between one region and another. The beauty of Italy is rooted in these diversities of traditions, climate, and lifestyles. Italy is a peninsula brimming with enogastronomic, artistic and natural specialties. A peninsula shaped like a boot surrounded by the sea, in which plains, hills, mountains, lakes, and rivers alternate.

Friuli Venezia Giulia

The heart of Lara beats in the North East of Italy in a little-known place: Friuli Venezia Giulia. A borderland between Austria and Slovenia, just a few kilometers from Venice. A region protected by the mountain range of the Alps to the north and kissed by the Adriatic Sea to the south.

“For us and for our visitors, Friuli Venezia Giulia is a rare gem. Here you can breathe the serenity of other times, immersed in a multi-faceted territory, where important historical-cultural echoes are not lacking. There are plenty of places to visit, including the cities of Trieste, Gorizia, Cividale, and Udine. Lara is based right near Udine, in the Tavagnacco area. The place where everything began. The place where everything continues.”


The best choice: Yours

Professionalism, personalization, and precision are the winning cards of our consulting activity. We start by listening to you to identify the best solutions. We then offer alternatives, evaluate the fabrics to be used, do the studies on color and consider the tactile effect, comfort, and practicality of the fabrics with respect to the desired result. In every phase, we respond quickly to any request, with the utmost precision.

Customization, from beginning to end

Once you have chosen the fabrics, combinations, and finishes, we send you the personalized project in digital format via e-mail to give you an idea of ​​how it will be realized. We then send you a sample of the fabric so you can see it and touch it, deciding if you really like it. Once we receive your confirmation, we begin to process the order ensuring timely delivery to your choice of location. Logistics are entirely managed internally to guarantee fast and safe shipments all over the world with our trusted couriers.

Trend union between past and present

We have always felt in our hearts that we are artisans, respecting tradition in terms of production, but with attention paid to the future of communications. On one hand, we handle ancient tools of the trade, and on the other, we use digital means to facilitate the sharing of information useful in project development. Customer satisfaction is our greatest achievement. We aim to make you happy by any means.


Atelier with an artisan soul

Lara is a place where the word impossible does not exist. Thanks to our flexibility, we are able to satisfy every request, even the most particular and complex. Deliberately, our laboratory is still "as it used to be.” Breathing true passion for our work, common values ​​allow us to work together in perfect synergy. Each of us has an interchangeable role. We feel like family; this is our strength, this is Lara's soul.

Much more than a workshop

As you may have guessed, calling it a "workshop" does not fully express Lara's nature, accomplishments, and rare skills. Everything is enveloped in a timeless atmosphere where each resource is essential to carry out work manually or with historic artisan machines. Our artisans pay the utmost attention to their work and cooperate freely to carry out cuts, finishes and quality controls with care. Collaboration is continuous in order to deliver perfect creations.

“Our atelier cannot be replicated. You have to live it to the fullest to understand the dynamics, the style and the precision with which we operate from the initial consultation until shipment of the finished product. We are flexible, dynamic and proactive. We satisfy every request, in the desired manner, time frame and location. These are the strong connotative elements for which we are chosen.”

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